There’s So Much Beauty in This World

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All over the news and social media we see negative things happening all around us. We are surround by dark, ugly settings which can change our outlook on life. The media chooses to portray all of the messed up things happening in this the world. What we don’t see, is all of the beauties this life has to offer us. If we simply open our eyes and choose to see the positives of this life we can create our own happiness.

I, too have been at fault of only seeing the negatives. I get so wrapped up in the news and drama that I forget there’s so much pure beauty I have been ignoring. We need to stop focusing on the craziness in the world (I promise you it will still be there when you decide to go back to it) and focus more on the things that make us happy. For me, nature is my safe place. I absolutely l love all of the natural hiking trails and hidden water holes Mother Nature has to offer. Being outside in a beautiful atmosphere brings me and intense amount of joy that I can’t get anywhere else.

When I was a little girl I used to have this beautiful cave behind my house. When your little everything just seems so big, so I would go out there with my brothers and just be in awe at how magical this cave was. I think back to how simple my life was then and how much I just enjoyed staring at that beautiful cave. Life doesn’t always have to be consumed with the news and the craziness of the world, sometimes you can just take a trip by yourself and enjoy the beauties of life. Soak in it and let it change the way you view the world.

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